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Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Minimax Consulting has rebranded itself using its usual staff w/ a few new people. They got rid of the Chabots on the website, but we all know they're behind it. Oh, did I mention they're now based out of New York, NY. Not that Pete Chabot doesn't have a verifiable criminal record there for a SEC violation in the early 2000s. You can see they're carbon copied website here:

Gee, doesn't that look familiar? So I'll be doing my rounds getting the word out. I didn't think these con artists would go down so easily.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Minimax Is Closing its Doors!

All I can say is that it's been a long time coming -- even though they'd like to cover up their misdeeds with flowery prose and empty appreciation (No one is buying that shit!) Hopefully this isn't the beginning of another rip-off company, like a new business plan for trying to sell organs on the black market, or something of that nature. Instead, I hope these con-artists learned their lesson that suckering students out of thousands of dollars will destroy your virtual reputation -- no simple domain change can hide the fraudulent activities you engage in during this information era. This is especially true since many companies do business virtually. Nonetheless, I will still be watching out for any new ventures headed by the infamous Chabots. I can only hope those victimized by these scammers received some of their money back or, at least, are more savvy when enlisting help. Either way, Happy Holidays! May this serve as a bonus under your Christmas tree!